version caused problem

Dear Community   I create the app with version 9.24.2, now i converted it into version 10.0.0, however i got the following detailed error message. Please help if you can give me a hand.   Thank you. Best regards Li Dong -------------------------error message-------------------------------   E:\Mendix_FG - TEST\Factory Visit Booking Platform-main\javasource\communitycommons\actions\ error: cannot assign a value to final variable membersToSkip         this.membersToSkip       = this.membersToSkip == null       ? "" : this.membersToSkip;             ^ E:\Mendix_FG - TEST\Factory Visit Booking Platform-main\javasource\communitycommons\actions\ error: cannot assign a value to final variable membersToKeep         this.membersToKeep       = this.membersToKeep == null       ? "" : this.membersToKeep;             ^ E:\Mendix_FG - TEST\Factory Visit Booking Platform-main\javasource\communitycommons\actions\ error: cannot assign a value to final variable reverseAssociations         this.reverseAssociations = this.reverseAssociations == null ? "" : this.reverseAssociations;             ^ E:\Mendix_FG - TEST\Factory Visit Booking Platform-main\javasource\communitycommons\actions\ error: cannot assign a value to final variable excludeEntities         this.excludeEntities     = this.excludeEntities == null     ? "" : this.excludeEntities;             ^ E:\Mendix_FG - TEST\Factory Visit Booking Platform-main\javasource\communitycommons\actions\ error: cannot assign a value to final variable excludeModules         this.excludeModules      = this.excludeModules == null      ? "" : this.excludeModules;             ^ E:\Mendix_FG - TEST\Factory Visit Booking Platform-main\javasource\communitycommons\ error: cannot find symbol                 newContext.rollbackTransAction();                           ^   symbol:   method rollbackTransAction()   location: variable newContext of type IContext E:\Mendix_FG - TEST\Factory Visit Booking Platform-main\javasource\communitycommons\ error: cannot find symbol                         synchronizedContext.rollbackTransAction();                                            ^   symbol:   method rollbackTransAction()   location: variable synchronizedContext of type IContext E:\Mendix_FG - TEST\Factory Visit Booking Platform-main\javasource\mendixsso\implementation\ error: cannot find symbol             c.rollbackTransAction();              ^   symbol:   method rollbackTransAction()   location: variable c of type IContext E:\Mendix_FG - TEST\Factory Visit Booking Platform-main\javasource\mendixsso\implementation\ error: cannot find symbol             c.rollbackTransAction();              ^   symbol:   method rollbackTransAction()   location: variable c of type IContext Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. 9 errors FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':compile'. > Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details. * Try: > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. > Run with --debug option to get more log output. > Run with --scan to get full insights. * Get more help at BUILD FAILED in 4s
4 answers

Dong LI,


The error is raised by communitycommons\actions\ I advise you to update all Widgets and Marketplace modules to the latest. By then, it will most likely be gone. 


Support should handle the error if you have already upgraded all Widgets and Modules.

Go Make It



Dear Mr. Marco Spoel


Thank you very much for your help.

When I updated my widgets, I got the following information

However I can’t find the datagrid widget in marketplace, i got problem with replacement – DataWidgets.mpk

Error message: Package 'DataWidgets.mpk': File does not contain a client module.

I tried to run the app, the failure is still there.


Best regards

Li Dong


Hi, Oswaldo Valles & Tim van Steenbergen


Thank you very much for your timely support, however after updated the two widgets, I still have the following widgets version problem.


Hi Dong LI,

It seems like you are missing an update from the Community Commons marketplace module:

Also I see that you are looking to update the Data Widgets, you can find that as follows:

You can update both of those marketplace components here in Studio Pro:

I hope that helps, regards!
