Retrieve search objects from datagrid page

Hello, I am using datagrid for overview page. And I have filtered this overview page by say Name – “TDS” and after I searched this string I want to pass all the searched objects from overview page to microflow. Is this possible? Here for example I want to read 4 objects which are filtered.  Note: I cannot change datagrid template.  
1 answers

Heey Raghavendra,


You have 2 options here:
1. Add a standard select all button to your datagrid to select all the objects after filtering and then a second action button with an input parameter a list of the entity you are showing on the datagrid
2. In the general settings of a datagrid you can set the selection mode to: Multi-selection. With that option you can select multiple rows, and then add an action button with an input parameter a list of the entity you are showing on the datagrid
