It seems to be a bug. You can solve it easily by clicking the edit button, change the action to: nothing. Then, open the button again, select show page as action, and select page Token_NewEdit.
You error will go away and the functionality will remain unchanged.
Can you please check properties of the “Edit” button and check Events>Page Settings display as below? I think you need to set is manually if needed.
I have the same as you have, you can see below
Dear Gorakshanath Jaykar
Could you please give me more information about it? Thank you.
Best regards
Li Dong
can you share the detail error log from your Error tab
Here you are
Dear Srilatha,
thank you very much for you help.
Because there is a error, i can’t run it so nothing in console.
Best regards
Li Dong
Dear Srilatha,
do you not mean the following picture??
Best regards
Li Dong
Regarding Error 1:
Try to update NanoflowCommons module in your application.
Error 2 : In Token_NewEdit page have you passed Token as parameter ?
I think Yes, you can see below
Dear Srilatha,
Thank you very much for your help.
Please see my picture below, I think I did what you showed.
Best regards
Li Dong
Is there any fix for this issue?
Thanks in advance.
I removed edit button which was showing error and added an action button for edit showing the same page as was done by previous edit button and it resolved the issue.
Removed and added edit button again. This resolved the error.
Hi, Peter Tiszavolqyi, thank you very much for your help.
I just create a totally new APP for test email functions, according to document, I imported:
Email connector v5.1.1
MxModuleReflection v7.0.0
Encryption v9.0.1
Mendix v10.0.1
but i got errors, could you please give an example.
Best regards
Li Dong
Actually, this is because the studio not yet validate it, you just need to double click on edit button, then edit page settings then press ok and ok, the error will gone.
Hi, Peter Tiszavolgyi, thank you for your hands.
I just create a totally new APP for test email functions, according to document, I imported:
Email connector v5.1.1
MxModuleReflection v7.0.0
Encryption v9.0.1
Mendix v10.0.1
But I got errors as above, do you have a sample which can run properly.
Best regards
Li Dong
Ok, are you trying to call this in SNIP_EmailTemplate_NewEdit ?
Make sure you have chosen EmailToken associated token object and calling Token_NewEdit page