How to have an Over association in a datagrid 2 with a linking table between 2 entities?

Hi    I made a domain model with a linking table between 2 enities as seen below:  When pressing a button a NewEdit opens where i can add a new Product and i also want to to add the PickUpDate and TurnInDate. I made it like this but i don't know if this is correct:    Below microflow that opens the NewEdit:  Finally i want this data to be shown in a datagrid 2, but i can only add columns for Product entity or Reservation Entity and not both.   if more info is needed please let me know.   Thanks in advance. 
1 answers


As per your domain model ReservationLine is the main object & each ReservationLine object associated with multiple Products.

So in the Datagrid2, first choose the Product object and map the Product object attributes & associated ReservationLine attributes.


For eg :

Hope it helps
