How can we generate a link for each object in data grid ?

Hi Experts!   I have a use case where I want to generate link when I click on the particular object in the Data grid and further want to send the link via email. The mail receiver should be able to click on the link which directs it to view that object on a page. Can anybody please guide me on how I can achieve this.  I am using data grid 2 and mendix version 24.3.   Thanks & Regards, Simran.
2 answers

Your app has to be able to send an email. Using any of the available Email-modules. Then these are the steps:

  • Add a action-button to your datagrid that will call a microflow. This microflow has an input-parameter of your entity;
  • In that microflow use the object that got passed along from the datagrid to create the link, create an email and use activity ‘Email send’.

Hi Simran,

To add to what Tim has said you will need to use the deeplink module as well as the email module.

You will send an email that contains a deeplink which has a specific token attached to the end of the link.

Then you will configure that deeplink via the deeplink admin snippet on your running application to direct to a specific microflow.  This microflow will have a parameter that will contain the specific token of the deeplink clicked and from there you can determine where to direct the user who clicked the link.


Be sure that you follow all the setup instructions for deeplink module and add the deeplink handler to all homepages in you application.  Also be sure that you have enabled anonymous user permissions in the microflow that the deeplink directs to.

This forum post has a good process overview of what this looks like.  And this forum post goes into detail about how to add a token for your deeplink to an email template if you are using the email with template module to send emails.

Hope this helps
