AnyChart Errors

Hey,  I am facing a problem with running AnyChart with the Mendix app, it threw multi errors I just follow the instructions to run it, but when I am trying to run the app locally it just spins and gives me the below errors in the console log can anyone help?   [Client] Error: factoryThrew at d (mxui.js?638263147919276204:5:553) at mxui.js?638263147919276204:5:9613 at Pe (mxui.js?638263147919276204:5:9722) at Pe (mxui.js?638263147919276204:5:9358) at mxui.js?638263147919276204:5:9913 at Fe (mxui.js?638263147919276204:5:9780) at $e (mxui.js?638263147919276204:5:9852) at i (mxui.js?638263147919276204:5:10987) at HTMLScriptElement.<anonymous> (mxui.js?638263147919276204:5:13257) [Client] Loading module com/mendix/widget/custom/AnyChart/AnyChart failed! Check script file for syntax errors. [Client] Error: Minified Redux error #0; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors. at h (AnyChart.js?638263147919276204:2:1019320) at t.registerReducer (AnyChart.js?638263147919276204:2:1069023) at Object.<anonymous> (AnyChart.js?638263147919276204:2:1069180) at 1397 (AnyChart.js?638263147919276204:2:1069184) at a (AnyChart.js?638263147919276204:2:1102572) at 4527 (AnyChart.js?638263147919276204:2:1028752) at a (AnyChart.js?638263147919276204:2:1102572) at AnyChart.js?638263147919276204:2:1105019 at AnyChart.js?638263147919276204:2:1105028 at mxui.js?638263147919276204:5:9575  
2 answers

Hasnaa Elmasry,


I ran into mxui.js errors using AnyChart in Mx 10.0.0. After raising a support ticket Support found the error and fixed it in 10.1.0. 


So, download 10.1 and open and convert the 10.0 project. I think it will solve your problem too.


Go Make It


I ran into the same problem today, and indeedit appeared the Redux DevTools extension was causing this error. Disabling the extension provided a workaround for this error.
