Parse Json into text file and e-mail

Hi, I’m new to Mendix and am building my first module. It should do this: Receive a POST through a REST api → I created my data model etc and the API is working successfully from Postman on my local machine. So far, so good Parse the response body and replace the values in a txt file that serves as a template. For example: in the text template, the sentence “DTM+008:{{startDate}}:001” should become “DTM+008:31072023:001'” when the json input was “startDate”: “2023-07-31” The algorithm should loop through all the json input variables and do the appropriate text replace for every value. Mail the resulting text file as an attachment to an email, addressed at an address was also sent in the api body.   Can anyone help me how to proceed in a microflow that does this actions? Or guide me to a knowledge article that describes some or all of these steps? Thanks
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