LDAP configuration

Hi there, Could anyone advise me for how to solved null problem with LDAP I'm trying to use LDAP but i have found a bit problem, Let me show my step. 1.Create project with use LDAP setting. 2.Deploy and run 3.After deploy finished goto url : localhost:8080 4.Select LDAP from MxAdmin menu 5.Create and fill down below information Server address (ie: ldap://serveraddress) --> ldap://openldap.mydomain Username (to login to LDAP) --> root Password --> xxx Path (from which to import users) LDAP root directory --> dc=mydomain,dc=local Login field User/Pass needed Use this LDAP server for authentication Is this an Active Directory (tm) Domain suffix (ie "@yourdomain.local") 6.Save and select one from Overview page and Click "readLDAP" 7.I got error message is "Server error: A server exception occurred: null" Future inforamation : 1.Environment is mendix 2.4.x 2.I can use program JXplorer to Browse LDAP 3.Information in Log console 2010-09-17 11:11:41.741 INFO - MODULE: Removed 0 ldapdirectories 2010-09-17 11:11:41.742 INFO - MODULE: Removed 0 ldapattributes 2010/09/17 11:11:41:774 ICT [INFO] AbstractContextSource - Property 'userDn' not set - anonymous context will be used for read- write operations 2010-09-17 11:11:41.777 INFO - MODULE: Trying to authenticate null with LDAP 2010-09-17 11:11:41.777 ERROR - MICROFLOWENGINE: Exception occurred in microflow 'System.ReadLdapFlow' for activity 'Call 'readLdap''', all database changes executed by this microflow were rolled back
1 answers

Little update: I've changed ldap://openldap.mydomain.local instead ldap://openldap.mydomain

I got this error

2010-09-17 13:58:11.766 ERROR - MICROFLOWENGINE: Exception occurred in microflow 'System.ReadLdapFlow' for activity 'Call 'readLdap''', all database changes executed by this microflow were rolled back 2010-09-17 13:58:11.768 ERROR - MICROFLOWENGINE: com.mendix.core.CoreException: org.springframework.ldap.InvalidNameException: [LDAP: error code 34 - invalid DN]; nested exception is javax.naming.InvalidNameException: [LDAP: error code 34 - invalid DN]

Caused by: org.springframework.ldap.InvalidNameException: [LDAP: error code 34 - invalid DN]; nested exception is javax.naming.InvalidNameException: [LDAP: error code 34 - invalid DN]
