Compilation of Javas Failed Error

Hello,   I just upgraded my project from 9 to 10 but when I try to run my local version, I receive an error that the compilation of javas failed. I have never seen this before, so not sure how to fix it. Any guidance would be much appreciated:    C:\Users\qr6ehx\OneDrive - Siemens AG\Documents\Mendix\Trials Dashboard-main_4\javasource\communitycommons\actions\ error: cannot assign a value to final variable membersToSkip         this.membersToSkip       = this.membersToSkip == null       ? "" : this.membersToSkip;             ^ C:\Users\qr6ehx\OneDrive - Siemens AG\Documents\Mendix\Trials Dashboard-main_4\javasource\communitycommons\actions\ error: cannot assign a value to final variable membersToKeep         this.membersToKeep       = this.membersToKeep == null       ? "" : this.membersToKeep;             ^ C:\Users\qr6ehx\OneDrive - Siemens AG\Documents\Mendix\Trials Dashboard-main_4\javasource\communitycommons\actions\ error: cannot assign a value to final variable reverseAssociations         this.reverseAssociations = this.reverseAssociations == null ? "" : this.reverseAssociations;             ^ C:\Users\qr6ehx\OneDrive - Siemens AG\Documents\Mendix\Trials Dashboard-main_4\javasource\communitycommons\actions\ error: cannot assign a value to final variable excludeEntities         this.excludeEntities     = this.excludeEntities == null     ? "" : this.excludeEntities;             ^ C:\Users\qr6ehx\OneDrive - Siemens AG\Documents\Mendix\Trials Dashboard-main_4\javasource\communitycommons\actions\ error: cannot assign a value to final variable excludeModules         this.excludeModules      = this.excludeModules == null      ? "" : this.excludeModules;             ^ C:\Users\qr6ehx\OneDrive - Siemens AG\Documents\Mendix\Trials Dashboard-main_4\javasource\communitycommons\ error: cannot find symbol                 newContext.rollbackTransAction();                           ^   symbol:   method rollbackTransAction()   location: variable newContext of type IContext C:\Users\qr6ehx\OneDrive - Siemens AG\Documents\Mendix\Trials Dashboard-main_4\javasource\communitycommons\ error: cannot find symbol                         synchronizedContext.rollbackTransAction();                                            ^   symbol:   method rollbackTransAction()   location: variable synchronizedContext of type IContext C:\Users\qr6ehx\OneDrive - Siemens AG\Documents\Mendix\Trials Dashboard-main_4\javasource\emailtemplate\actions\ error: cannot assign a value to final variable PlainBody                 this.PlainBody = ConvertHTMLBodyToPlainText.removeHTML(this.HtmlBody);                     ^ C:\Users\qr6ehx\OneDrive - Siemens AG\Documents\Mendix\Trials Dashboard-main_4\javasource\mendixsso\implementation\ error: cannot find symbol             c.rollbackTransAction();              ^   symbol:   method rollbackTransAction()   location: variable c of type IContext C:\Users\qr6ehx\OneDrive - Siemens AG\Documents\Mendix\Trials Dashboard-main_4\javasource\mendixsso\implementation\ error: cannot find symbol             c.rollbackTransAction();              ^   symbol:   method rollbackTransAction()   location: variable c of type IContext C:\Users\qr6ehx\OneDrive - Siemens AG\Documents\Mendix\Trials Dashboard-main_4\javasource\saml20\implementation\ error: cannot find symbol                         samlContext.getIContext().rollbackTransAction();                                                  ^   symbol:   method rollbackTransAction()   location: interface IContext C:\Users\qr6ehx\OneDrive - Siemens AG\Documents\Mendix\Trials Dashboard-main_4\javasource\xlsreport\actions\ error: cannot assign a value to final variable OutputDocument                 OutputDocument = new FileDocument(getContext());                 ^ Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. 12 errors FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':compile'. > Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details. * Try: > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. > Run with --debug option to get more log output. > Run with --scan to get full insights. * Get more help at BUILD FAILED in 5s
2 answers

This looks like you have a number of modules that need upgrading from the Marketplace.

  • Community Commons
  • E-mail module with Templates
  • Mendix SSO
  • SAML20
  • XLSReport

Do check the documentation for these modules as most will need old .jar files removed from your application’s userlib folder otherwise you’ll get other java compilation errors.

Good luck!


Thanks for that suggestion. I didn't noticed that they where already updated.
