Hi, I am trying to add a mini survey to my app. I have added the survey in DevPortal. It is currently running. I have followed all the implementation instructions and can’t see anything I’ve missed. And yet, when I run the app (with the widget on the landing page) there is no sign of my survey. I get the following error (twice) in the console: Log node: REST Publish Message: An unexpected error occurred while handling REST request Stack trace: java.lang.RuntimeException: Non-standard status codes cannot be created by implicit conversion. Use `StatusCodes.custom` instead. at akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCode$.$anonfun$int2StatusCode$1(StatusCode.scala:29) at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:201) at akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCode$.int2StatusCode(StatusCode.scala:28) at com.mendix.integration.rest.publish.microflowresulthandling.RestMicroflowResultHandler.getValueResponse(RestMicroflowResultHandler.scala:41) etc etc Any clues as to what I’m missing? Thanks in advance.
Wendy Booth
2 answers
Problem was solved temporarily by turning off our cloud security. Obviously, this isn’t a long term solution.
Wendy Booth
Sorry Negin Beheshti Zavareh I didn't find any other solution. Our team no longer have the ability to turn off this security, even temporarily, so it worked in cloud environment but not locally.