Want to create a add to cart feature in my app

Hello Everyone,   I am trying to work on a project where i am looking to add a functionality where we have to implement the Add to cart feature in the app,  1)The user with view role will be able to view the page where he/she will be able to select the TV and compatible speaker to the corresponding TV units. and then, they will be able to move to the Step 2 where they will be asked to add their personal details, and card details for payment.   I am attaching the screenshot of the flow i am planning to implement.                 As shown in the above screenshots, once a step is completed it should be in green color and current working should be in blue color.   I have been using wizardSteps widget to implement this flow but currently facing issues, while trying to move from one step to another.   Can anybody guide on how to achieve this?
1 answers

Try with this solution – https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/207209 which is avaliable in the mendix Marketplace

