Input fields

I achieved the displaying selected hotel details by clicking details button but it's working for only one hotel I had set the parameters in details page for another hotel also but it showing error    And I have another requirement also that is I have to create input fields to book hotel by entering the user of their details like phone number,mail Dress and all after that by clicking on book button it should display your booking is successfully completed and the record should go to the user email as a proof to show to the hotel management 
1 answers

Hi Sappogu,

I see that you are using the Studio Pro version 10, there’s a feature that you could also use to generate the pages automatically.

To do so, you need to go to your Domain Model:

And for the Entity you want to generate pages for, you right click and then select Generate Overview pages. Then you click on Ok (make sure you select only one entity at a time):

This will create all the pages and logic that you need for a CRUD result:

For the email it’s a bit more complicated because you may need to dig into this documentation for the Email Connector.

I really hope this helps you, please consider reviewing the Rapid Developer Course for more information, regards!
