Error when after downloaded Mx Model Reflection and Excel importer from marketplace

I want to use Excel importer and met a trouble. I have installed Mendix Studio pro 10.1.1 (build 12532) and created an App from blank template. Simply after that, I checked if it works by running “Run locally” and web app page was shown without problem.  After the testing, I downloaded “Mx Model Reflection version 7.0.0” (latest version) and I see errors shown below.   After that I downloaded “Excel importer 10.4.0” (latest version) and also I see additional errors.   I did not do extra settings, just create a new app and dowload these modules from marketplace. These models cannot be used streightforward and need extrasettings?   For the error related caption, I could escape this error by changing the name. But for the error which code are CE7411 I cannot eliminate. How can I remove these error?     
2 answers

Strange issue, but you can try to change the pageparameter of the Details page manually, remove the current parameter and replace with the MxObjectType entity. Seems to be a bug in the module where something was not set correctly.


hi, I met many adaptation problems as well when I downloaded Excel Importer and My Model Reflection from marketplace. As soon as I change to one lower version, the problem did not exit. Just for your reference. 
