pdf from page without displaying the page

I am attempting to configure my app to generate a “quote” page based on variables selected by the user and download or display a pdf of that page. i tried many ways, but i am new to developing and landed on the Document Generation module. I have successfully configured my app to generate the quote page and then once the page is loaded up and displayed, i have a button that will trigger the below microflow:  i am looking to do this on the backend without the actual quote page showing. it is configured for pdf conversion, so it does not look presentable on a page alone. does anyone know how i can do this on the backend? i tried the following microflow but to no avail:   
1 answers

Hi Corina,


Did you try to follow the steps here? The steps mentioned in ‘Generating Documents for the Current User’ explain how to setup the logic to create a PDF from a page, without showing this page itself to the user.

Hope this helps!
