Tree node in a table

Hi, Is there a way where I can add tree nodes to a table like Data Grid 2? For example I’ve a Data Grid 2 table of Data where column A contents are parents & on clicking on it will expand & show all the children related to it like Tree.
3 answers

Hi Nipun,

               You cannot use a tree node inside the datagrid2. Instead if you editing any record present in the Datagrid2, you can a popup and make use of Treenode.


Else completely avoid using DataGrid2 and use Treenode widget.


Hope it helps!!!



            If you are looking for below kind of information, please check it out.

In the above screenshot is a list view, and in one of the columns I added tree node! Tree node does its own functionality by expanding and collapsing.

In the list view I am loading location.

For each location – I am showing the library

When I click on Library it expands and show journals associated.


How this might be useful!





Table is a widget belonging to Structure category. In Mendix, table alone cannot be used!!!

The table has to be placed inside the data widgets.

Considering datawidget – List view is one of the data widget.

In my previous comment I mentioned list view – Inside list view is the layout grid.

Note- Layout grid belongs to structure widget.

In this comment I am using table. There is no change!

Even Tree node is itself a data widget which can used in combination with list view, template view.


Please let me know your requirement further so I may help!

