Hi , experts I’m working in Asset management module which also act as ticket generation portal for the assets when ever there is an issue in an asset . The user who holds the asset may create an Issue to solve the asset issues . So while creating a issue , There has to create a Autogenerated Ticket ID This Id will be Displayed in Email . It must be in the format IR# Asset ID- Date- Ticket ID The problem I’m facing was If i create an issue in the first asset assigned to me The count should be one ,If i create an issue for the second asset The count should be same as one because I’m creating an issue for one asset, But in my case the Ticket Id keep on increasing +1 whenever a issue created randomly But in my case it has to be increased based on the asset Issue count .It should vary for different assets For every issue one id will be created
Sankar Ganesh
1 answers
Is the ticketID and attribute in the asset entity?
For every newly created object of asset, a new ticket id will be created in that sense
If this is not the solution you are looking for could you give more context?