ListView results, but without any text in it

Hi,   I have a listview to which I have access with a Read Only user role. The role has read access to the entity displayed in the listview and also the specialization of that entity, but the list is actually just the skeleton. The microflow that brings that list has 9 entities in it and with the debugger I see the information, but in the list view it looks like the attached image. If I click on any result, it should bring me to a Details page, but it errors with the entity being empty… How can I solve this?  
2 answers

Hi Cojocaru,

The reason you the information in microflow while debugging is because you didn’t apply the entity access to the microflow. So microflow doesn’t enforce any rule that’s why you see those information. Try to enable apply entity access in the microflow and see.


Hi Cojocaru,


The fact that you're not seeing any information could be a translation issue. Is the information you're showing within the listview equally across the multiple languages your app supports? Also, could you elaborate more on the errors you're facing? A screenshot/stacktrace would help.
