Issue with Microflow_Current user info

Dear community   I need a little help with an app I ma trying to build using v10.2. I m trying to build an app for quality control with relative approval workflow, currently I would like to retrieve the info from the current user and using it in different ways, in this case I want to show them in dedicated page “Show my Profile”, in addition I would use it in other 4 Microflows to: upload file during task submission update comment during task submission approve task   I have creaetd an enttity “Team” as specilization of User systerm entity to retrieve the information of the account     I have created Microflow “GetCurrentMendixuser” using it as SubMicroflow in the successive 4 microflows where I get errors       here an example of the errors I get (same for all 4 microflows)        Any suggestions?    Thanks all in avdance
2 answers

You're association is with “Team”, which is a specialization of “User”, but you're retrieving from the “Account” entity. They are two different entities, so this won't work, even though Account is also a specialization of User. 


What you can do is retrieve the current user, then do an inheritance split, and cast it as a “Team” , then your association should work.


Unrelated to your question, but I would recommend against using a “Team” as a specialization of user, unless the Team is always only one person.


Thanks a lot for your help Eline, I solved changing a bit the Domain model
