Hovering option in Data grid 2 on each row

Hello Experts,        1. I am using data grid 2, here when I hover over each row there is no cursor icon displayed, I need to do this.   When the user clicks on anywhere inside the specific row, I have to show a required preview page of the specific row object in a single click.  Kindly let me know how to achieve this and I have tried on change MF it won't work, it is not giving me the selected row object as param to pass in the show page activity. Answers are really much appreciated! Thanks in advance.
1 answers

Hi Arunkumar,


Requirement one: go to your Appearance tab within DG2 and select ‘Yes’ on the hover option.

Concerning requirement two; with the ‘On click’ action within your DG2 configuration, you are able to specify the action you want to implement, which in your case is most likely the ‘Show a page’ action, displaying the details of the object selected.


Hope this helps.
