No, the variable MxCellStyle is not empty. It contains a value of “General” while the other variable XLSReport.Cellformat.Number contains a value of "Number” and hence the decision returns false and the flow stops.
Hi Sujata,
I have used Excel97-2003 only. I am not sure why the parameter $MxCellFormat is returning a value of "General" while the comparision variable XLSReport.CellFormat.Number contains a value of "Number" because CellFormat is an ENUM which holds values "General" and "Number".
It may be because any row you have added in static data or column data is having empty value.
Hi Sujata,
I have just done the basic configuration. Not added static or dynamic data, hence I am not able to figure out why the difference in values.
Moreover, the XLSReport is a standard module that I have downloaded.