Trying to populate filtered data on UI, but UI show all records and not filtered set. Used microflow to filter data.

Hi,   My scenario is like this:   I am selecting one value from a dropdown on screen 1 and using that value to filter data on screen 2. I am calling a microflow on SAVE of screen 1 and filtering data to populate on screen 2, but screen 2 shows all records and not the filtered ones. I guess something is wrong with the microflow about I am not able to figure it out. Please help.    
3 answers

Hi Pushkar,


You could do this multiple ways. But in this case you move from screen 1 to screen 2, after u pressed the save button. Screen 2 need to understand what u selected on screen 1. If u don't pass any information (like a 'helper object’ where u store the selected filter criteria from screen 1) you not be able filter the records on screen 2. 


  1. What do you use on screen 2 to display the records?
  2. How are you filtering/retrieving the records at screen 2 at the moment?


Or check the Mendix documentation: (3.10.2) by using constraint. Which explains how to filter reference selectors based on other values.




Hi Rick,


Thanks for showing interest. 


Basically, screen 2 has 40 records divided between two groups 32 and 8, so in my microflow, I am getting 8 records at the retrieve stage. I can see 8 records when a do a DEBUG which means I am able to filter data. My problem is how do I set these 8 records on the screen or how do I refresh my screen when I land there. Just doing a Show Page activity does not help. I need to do something else, but not sure what.  Can you please tell me what needs to be done?







I will try this. Thank you very much Rick.



