Unable to upload files greater than 100MB, Azure Deployment
The app we are developing is going to be used by artists making 3D renders of objects and uploading/downloading these renders to/from our app. The renderings are typically around 250MB in size. When using the file manager widget to upload, we increased the max file size attribute to 1000MB. The widget seems to accept the file since it is well under the max size, but we cannot execute any microflows or commit the file to the database once it has been selected. When using the debugger, the microflow doesn’t seem to run at all. The file dropper widget behaves similarly, accepting the file but throwing an error as soon as we try to execute an event or normal microflow on the file. The upload/download works without issue on our local devices. The app is deployed in an Azure privatecloud, which is where we are experiencing the error. Any attempt to do so in the test environment throws a status code 413 error request size too large, which leads us to believe there is a setting or other limitation on file size that is preventing us from doing this. Has anyone encountered a similar problem or is familiar with configuring an Azure deployment and might have an idea of how/where we can modify this setting?