Issue in migrating atlas2 to atlas3

Hello Experts,   I have recently upgraded our application from 8.9 to 9.24.3 as per the best practise and suggestions by Mendix. As per the documentation, I have migrated Atlas_UI_Resources to Atlas_Core. On this migration, I have faced many errors related to widget updates, design properties, etc. Also, I resolved most of the errors.    I am facing some errors related to layoutgrid design property. For this I have followed the suggestions given in the forum earlier, but it is not working. Answer’s are really appreciated!       Thanks in advance.
2 answers

It is necessary to review the layout grid on all pages with errors and ensure that the column widths are adjusted correctly so that the total number of columns equals 12. Unfortunately, there is no one-click solution to fix this issue.


HI Sasidharan K

as suggested by Raafat Please review the properties of layout grid and try to rearrange them to align with columns equal to 12 as Mendix maximum width in a page is 12 , in your case it is showing as -1.Column Width.PNG



