Disable -An error occurred, please contact your system administrator

Hi Everyone, I need to disable the ‘An error occurred, please contact your system administrator.’ PopUp Error message for the whole web Application.   Can anyone help me out this?   Thanks in Advance
3 answers

Hi Arunadevi,

What you're asking is not possible within the platform. In general, you have two main options.

  1. Use handling in all cases where things can go wrong (microflows and nanoflows). When handling the error yourself, you could decide to not show a message. https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/error-handling-in-microflows/
  1. Change the text of the message to something else to be more user friendly. You can do this via system texts.

Hopefully, this helps


Hi Jeroen,

Thanks for your reply.

Error handlings in microflows and nanoflows are not sufficient while we have some exceptions in pages or widgets itself. Moreover I don’t want to show the popup exceptional error messages than Editing the text messages in that exception.

I need to disable the exceptional error itself.


Thanks in Advance.


Unfortunately, that means that you need to find and fix the root cause of these issues on your pages. This might be difficult, but the Chrome browser console might help you out. Potentially, the issue is related to the access rules on your entities. Having a look at the application log (most likely in Sprintr) can help you here as well.

Disabling the message itself is not possible in case there is an error which impacts the end user (missing data, missing page, etc).
