Refresh entity in native nanoflow does not work

Hi guys,   I really hope you guys can help me out on this matter. I’ve got a nanoflow that retrieves a document based on the document number.    If I call a microflow from the nanoflow I can see that the document indeed exists and can be retrieved (so it’s there). But when I do the same retrieve in the nanoflow itself nothing is found.    I figured this is because the object is not renewed in the meantime in the nanoflow. So I tried to use the actions ‘refresh entity’ and ‘refresh object’. However this did not work. Afterwards I read that you need to commit the object before the refresh object action, so I tried that, but no effect.    Returning the object from the sub microflow (where I can retrieve the document) is not possible because this is not allowed.   Does anybody have an idea how to get the information updated so I can retrieve the right document?   FYI: When I log out of the app and back in again, the information is properly refreshed, but off course this is not how users will use the app (the will remain logged in).     This is the flow: SUB_GetDocument retrieves the right document (this was a test) The second action does NOT retrieve anything  I also tried ‘refresh entity’ before the ‘retrieve document’ but this had no effect.  
2 answers

It sounds like your object exists on the server, but not on the native device. This would explain why you can retrieve it in a microflow, but not in a nanoflow. Are you sure the synchronization settings are correct and that the document is synced to the device before calling this flow?



Have you tried adding Wait (300 MS or something) before the retrieval in the nanoflow?
