How to implement dependant picklists with multiselect

I need to implement a dependent multi select picklists. For example, a user is given a questionnaire in which he/she needs to give his impressions on countries that he has visited. The user can firstly choose between continents (multiple choice) and then based on the continents he needs to choose between lists of countries. Then on the third step he needs to rate this countries from 1-10.  For example, on the first step the user selects Asia and Europe, on the second step he has to be able to select Asian countries and European countries only. Here he selects India and Japan as Asian countries and France and Germany as European countries. On the third step he has to provide a rating score for each countries (in that case for Japan, India, France and Germany).  Is there any widget to use in order to present such a functionality of dependant picklists?   
3 answers

Hey Plamen,


No need for a widget here. You should be able to display a list view of the resulting countries for the user to select from in step 2.

If you did want to use a widget I'd recommend checking out this one:

Autocomplete & Multiselect


Best of luck,



Reference selector → default from mendix

- Organize your domain model with continents and countries. They should be dependent already. Lets call it master data

- From the page, you need to have an entity that is linked to continents and countries

- When continents are selected, you could use constrained by on the country selector and use continent, to show the countries of only selected continents

- After choosing country, you could create a new entity and associate it with selected countries to capture the rating per user on that country level


Could you recommend me a widget to achieve such a functionality?
