Refreshing buttons from data source microflow

I have a page (claim page) which has 2 buttons on, one for creating a warning and the other for viewing the warnings on that claim. If there is no existing warnings on the claim then i will only show the green button. But if there is already warnings then i will only show the red button. For this i am using a data source microflow which will retrieve all warnings associated to the claim and will either pass a empty or non empty value back out of the microflow.   However, after i click the green button and create a warning, the red button doesnt show instatly and the green button will continue to be present until i manually refresh the page. Does anyone know what i can do to make this refresh instantly?
1 answers

Hi Harry,


This is probably because your Datasource Microflow isn't triggered again after clicking either button. You want the object of your outer Dataview (which is the Claim I believe) to be refreshed so it automatically triggers the Datasource Microflow again that is within your Dataview.


Hope this helps! And if not, feel free to give another shout.
