How to view the HEIC file format images in the Image carousel.

Hello,   In our application we are using the file dropper to upload the images and using the image viewer to view the images by uploading the HEIC file format images. We can't able to view the specific heic file format image. Remaining all other image formats can be viewable.    Is there is an any option to view the heic file format images in mendix image viewer / Image carousel.   Note: I didn't restricted any kind of the image format in the widget.   Attached the sample screenshot for reference.   Thanks in Advance.
1 answers

HEIC isn't a supported image format in Mendix applications. Only png, jpeg, gif, bmp, and SVG are supported.


You may be able to write a Java Action to convert the HEIC image to a supported format, or use a microflow to call an online conversion service via REST such as the ConvertImage API at Cloudmersive.


Good luck!
