How to Implement the functionality for Export data from the application

Dear Experts,   I need your help to implement such functionality to Export the data from the application- below I have mentioned the acceptance criteria of my requirement, can anyone help me with this  - to achieve all the AC .       Data Export Option: On the ITSYS home page, there should be a clearly visible option or button labeled "Export Data." Accessible Data: Users should be able to export data related to the current view or dataset displayed on the home page. This could include lists of applications, server configurations, database details, or any other relevant information. Export Format: Users should be able to choose from various export formats, such as CSV, and Excel. Customizable Columns: Users should have the option to select which columns they want to include in the exported data. This allows for customization and ensures that users get precisely the data they require. Range Selection: The user can select the records he wants to export. File Naming: The system should generate a default name for the exported file, which can be edited by the user. This feature helps users organize their exported data effectively. Export Progress Indicator: During the export process, there should be a progress indicator or status message to inform users about the export's progress.     Thanks in Advance 
2 answers

Maybe this module from the marketplace can help you out:

At first glance this seems to offer everything stated in your requirements.


try this one,

You can write any sort of custom logic
