How to manipulate tabs in Dynamic Tabs widget from another widget

I implemented the dynamic tabs widget from the marketplace but now I need to have a sidebar from which I need to open and close the tabs.    For example I have two levels of dynamic tabs.  VC1 and VC2 are the main categories and they have sub-categories which are presented in the nested dynamic tabs. In the right side I have a sidebar from which I need to be able to open the selected tab.    How can I implement such functionality? What is the best approach in this situation to have a similar functionality if this is not possible?
2 answers

Is it possible to switch between dynamic tabs from another widget that is calling a microflow? I tried some tab switcher widgets but they seem to be made for the standard tab container and not for the dynamic tab widget.


I found out a great widget to do the task. Here you can see it. It could also generate tabs dynamically.

Controllable Tab Container
