Parameters of Selected MicroFlow do not match available arguments

Hi All, Am very new to Mendix, just started a week back. I have an page with a button, in which am calling a microflow, in which am calling a page with 2 dropdowns. I have created 2 entities which holds the value for these 2 drop downs. In the button, am getting the error as "Parameters of Selected MicroFlow do not match available arguments". Can anyone please help on the same
4 answers

MicroFlow.jpgPage1.jpgPage2.jpgHi Hakan, Thanks for the reply

I have attached the screenshots.


Hi Vineeth,

As I see there is the object Region not exists(as an object/data view) op the page.

I have no information about the data/domain model you have so Here is my possible solutions:

- You can  try to place the Drop down region in a Data view (Data source =Region),

- If you have association with another object( in this situation SBG) > try to retrieve Region via association in the microflow instead giving it as parameter.


Hi Hakan,

I tried these, but still the same error, i get in the properties of Button click.Properties.png


I think that you try to fetch a list for your dropdowns. Which is the last thing you do in Mendix, as you can populate dropdowns (reference selectors) in other ways, which works out of the box.


I suggest that you start with  the rapid developer course first:
