how to export database from mendix application

hello experts,   I have a situation in which my client wants to export a selected database from the Mendix application, so is it possible to do this?   here are the acceptance criteria -  As a database administrator, I require the capability to export specific data from the ITSYS database. This will enable me to work with the data offline and perform various database management tasks.   Table Selection: Within the ITSYS application, I should be able to select the specific database tables that I want to export. This selection should be flexible, allowing me to choose the tables relevant to my needs. Export Format: The selected database tables should be exported in Excel spreadsheet format. Each selected database table should correspond to a separate tab within the Excel file. Export Definition: The system should allow me to save and manage export definitions. An export definition includes details like the selected database tables and export format. Definition Management: I should be able to rename, modify, and delete existing export definitions to maintain flexibility and control. Definition List: The application should display a list of all export definitions, providing options for filtering and sorting to quickly locate the desired definition. Automated Export: I should have the ability to initiate an automated export for an existing export definition via a command line batch script. This functionality streamlines recurring exports and integration with other processes.
1 answers

Have a look at the flat file exporter module:

Export the data as delimited files with the semi-colon as delimiter, this covers most of the requirements. The automated export is only available with on premise installations of Mendix, so if you are deployed on a clou node you'll need to implement this yourself with the help of an FTP module from the appstore for example.
