Its not possible to upload the project, because the main line of the repo is noy empty

Hi,   I wanted to make a copy of my existing project (Portal) before upgrading to Version 10. So, I exported my project. Then I opened a new project (OzuPortal3) and imported my previous project in the main-line. There was no problem so far. However, I wanted to import another branch other than the main branch in my old project. So, I opened a new branch in OzuPortal3 and tried to import a branch from my old project into it. While doing this, I thought I should use the existing team server in the new project. But I got an error like this. What should I do?    
1 answers

This process will not allow you to overwrite an existing project, so if you created a team server app with an empty Mendix app committed to the repository you will not be able to import.  I'd recommend using the "New Mendix Team Server" option if you want to keep the Mx 10 version entirely separate from the older version.


I typically use a version control branch for this purpose.  The branch will reside in a separate folder on your PC from the Main branch and can be deleted or merged as needed.
