Hello Austin,
Yes, I did. You need to add the proxy certificate to the Java JVM used by Mendix. You will need to have the certificate file from the proxy, this can be downloaded from your browser or ask somebody from the IT department for this file. It should be a file ending with .cer
Here is how to do this.
- Open Mendix and select edit>preferences
- In the preference popup select the deployment tab:
- Make a note of the JDK directory
- Open a cmd shell and go to the noted directory (the first command in the screenshot below starting with cd):
- run the second command staring with a dot, changing <<COMP.CERT.NAME>> with a arbitrary name convention is to use the certificate name whitout .cer and replace <<CERT.FILE.NAME>> with the location and filename of the cer file, as example if you downloaded mycomp.cer to C:\ you use C:\mycomp.cer
If all goes well executing the second command will ask for a password, the default password is changeit
Thats all, restart Mendix and the error should disappear. If your company is using an internal Maven repository (They almost all do in a corporate environment using Java) you can configure Mendix do use this internal repository (this should be the preferred configuration from a security standpoint). You can add a init.gradle file in your user home .gradle subdirectory with the following content:
allprojects {
ext.RepoConfigurator = {
maven {
url = uri('https://<<url of used repository like nexus or artifactory>>/') }
buildscript.repositories RepoConfigurator
repositories RepoConfigurator
All of this can be done without admin rights
The correct code for the init.gradle file should be as followed:
allprojects {
ext.RepoConfigurator = {
maven {
url = uri('https://<<url of used repository like nexus or artifactory>>/')
// Define the repositories in the buildscript block
buildscript {
repositories {
RepoConfigurator.delegate = delegate
// Define the repositories in the main buildscript block
repositories {
RepoConfigurator.delegate = delegate