how do I map my JSON export mapping to windward to work with forms and documents

This is my JSON object. In the attached file.  I would like to map this json structure to my windward application in word, so that I can generate word documents by sending parameter values to it through json.   /file?guid=19703248378806690   Please assist me with this mapping.
4 answers

Thank you, Peter. Let me explain in detail.


My project is in the insurance domain which expects a lot of forms and documents to be created and generated. This development of forms will be done using Windward. A tool which gets merged in MS Word to add more capability to it. 


Secondly, my application is built in Mendix. 

Now, the domain model and screens in Mendix have fields which need to be shown onto the forms and documents created in Windward. 


For this to work, I have created a JSON object in Mendix havng 4 fields.



"VacationRequest": [


"description": "casual leave",

"startdate": "9/20/2023",

"enddate": "9/24/2023",

"status": "submitted"





Now, I need to link my JSON object to Windward, so that data can be pushed from Mendix to Windward. 


Windward has a connection editor which expects me to give the file/URL which points to my JSON object. I need to know where to get this link/URL from, so that I can get the correct mapping done.


To allow Windward to access data from your Mendix application in a JSON format, the best way is to add a published REST service.


In this published rest service, you can configure authentication and the way the data is being shared to Windward. Also you will get the link from this published rest service.


You can find more information here:


Thank you so much Peter. Let me check this out and I will get back to you.


Hi Peter,


As suggested by you, I am able to create a REST service and establish a connection with Windward and test it , but I am unable to load the Mendix database into Windward. After testing the connection, there is an "Add" button to add the new connection to windward. After clicking on add I am getting an error like "Loading Metadata Cancelled". I am not sure what might be the reason for this. Can you please suggest something?


Thank you.



