How to add approve and reject option in email body

Hello all, I have a approver and requester. Requester can generate the request and send it to approver along with it also send notification email to approver which contains two option approve and reject. When approver approve the request via his email on clicking approve option one sending new email should automatically open which contains all details and it will send email to requester that request is approved. And same request also automatically get updated in app that the request is approved. Same goes for reject. I have done till email functionality but not understanding how to give two options in email body itself to approve or reject the request and how it automatically get updated in system as well. Please guide me with this. Thanks in advanced.
1 answers

Hey Priyanka,


You will have to add HTML text to create the buttons in the email template and use Deeplinks in order to carry out necessary actions (approve/reject) through microflows.

Kindly refer to the following for more information on rendering buttons.
