Allowing users to create pages in a microsite

Hi all!   I'm creating a microsite within my app and I have a WYSIWYG editor in it, but now I also have to add an option for user with editor rights for this microsite page to add another sub-page. The goal is that instead of having one long landing page with bunch of things in it, user could divide it into smaller pieces and section it, e.g., opening the microsite landing page there would be links to other related pages withing the microsite like About or Who we are pages. Is creating pages dynamically possible in Mendix? If so - how? If not - do you have another suggestion in mind?   Any ideas will be appreciated!
1 answers

You use an entity or entities with unlimited strings that are filled via a WYSIWYG editor. To display the contents in a page you can use the HTML element widget (or a couple of other widgets, like rich text editor in readonly mode).

Don't forget versioning, publishing and the roles and rights for viewing and editing. 


This Bizzomate widget seems also worth investigating
