Cant open app in Mendix 10.5.0 after importing Excel Importer module

Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a blank web app 2. Import the Excel Importer from marketplace 3. Close the app and reopen it   Result: Got this error  System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.   at Mendix.Modeler.Core.View.DomainModels.DomainModelView.CreateCrossAssociationViews(IGraphics graphics) in Mendix.Modeler.Core.View\DomainModels\DomainModelView.cs:line 120   at Mendix.Modeler.Core.View.DomainModels.DomainModelView.Rebuild(IGraphics graphics) in    Not sure if there is any issue in the Mendix 10.5.0 or the Excel Importer module, thanks.
1 answers

Hi Xuanyin Xia,


Did you import the prerequisites ?


Go Make It
