How can I add different password accounts

How can I add different password accounts         I have an application and there are shipments, and I want to distribute specific trips in order for the driver to enter his account and show shipments and details and each account or driver on different trips I just want how to do accounts for drivers and distribute flights to them, not a face or a page, and thank you
3 answers

Can you elaborate a bit more?

The administrator of an app should be able to create multiple accounts and passwords for the drivers.

You will need to have the driver role created in the app and probably associate the driver to the shipments that they have access to.


Yes, how can an app administrator create multiple accounts and passwords for drivers. He answered and said: Who is here? Is this correct?"​​​​​​​Screenshot (72).png



First of all you need to add the Account_Overview to your navigation so that when you run the app, the administrator can have access to that page. Then in the page they will find a 'New' button, which will open a pop-up with a form to create a new user.


So the steps are:

1. Go to Navigation

2. Add the page Account_Overview to the navigation

3. Run locally

4. Login as an administrator

5. Open the account overview page and click in New


I hope this is what you are looking for
