Which are the limitations of the bluetooth web API?

Hi community, I am Luciano. I am currently developing a web application in a PWA profile and have read all the documentation on offline best practices to ensure the web application functions seamlessly offline. I need to implement a Bluetooth connection between the Android device running the web application and an ESP32 using Arduino to establish IoT communication between the app and the ESP32. Has anyone developed an application like this before? What are the disadvantages of implementing this communication using a web application instead of a native one? I have already checked if there was any widget from the marketplace, but the ones that are developed don't work for Mendix 10. Therefore, I think I should develop my own code in React to implement something like this. According to the documentation: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Bluetooth_API#browser_compatibility Bluetooth communication between a web app and a Bluetooth device is 'experimental' and 'possibly changed in the future.' I hope you can provide me with some advice on this. Best regards, Luciano.  
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