Event controlled synchronizing a Mendix Screen contents from an external app

Hello team, I´m concerned with following question: how can a Mendix-App (running in a browser on any device) be automatically triggered to refresh shown data? Example: - a MendixApp is used to display contents from an external database to an operator. The operator needs the information for his   working process, but cannot afford to manually re-select the displayed information (e.g. every 10 sec.). - now an external App receives data from a machine and modifies records in the database. - after data modification by the external app the MendixApp should refresh its screen automatically to keep the information for the operator up-to-date Is there an event - mechanism available to initiate the screen refresh from the external App?  Thanks a lot for your reply (all the best for 2024) Ulrich
2 answers

You could check out the microflow timer module. You can set it to run every x seconds and the microflow could trigger a refresh only if certain conditions apply.



In that case you I would suggest that you take a look at Mendix Connect (https://www.mendix.com/data-hub/) This will allow you to create a microservices structure. Additional information can be found here: https://docs.mendix.com/catalog/#catalog-mx-connect https://docs.mendix.com/appstore/#marketplace-mx-connect And this might be interesting as well https://docs.mendix.com/appstore/modules/business-events/ It explains how Mendix can use a message broker (Kafka) to produce and consume events


Thanks a lot, this gives me further hints...
