Unversioned SVN (Is not supported)

Morning all, Happy New Year! I'm trying to upgrade my Mendix Application to 10.6 from 9.24, when opening it in 10.6 it says Unversioned SVN (Is not supported).    I've tried opening it in 10.6, but it doesn't seem to work with the team server so I reverted to 9.24, and now I'm getting a different error. (I'm using a Postgre Database with PGAdmin 4 for my IDE) Any ideas on what to do next?  
2 answers

have you migrated to GIT before Moving to 10.6 ??



I have resolved this issue, it turns out that Mendix 10+ SVN Versioning control will no longer be supported, I've had to convert my mainline and branch to 9.24.13 and then migrate my team server to GIT to then upgrade to Mendix 10
