Connector: 404 - file not found for file: styles/web/sass/app/_custom.scss

Connector: 404 - file not found for file: styles/web/sass/app/_custom.scss   This error keeps pop up in my server log. I have the file in the exactly location. I am running Mendix 8.18.15. If anyone faced this error before, please give me some advice. Thank you in advance.
2 answers

I would say in your settings.json, you should only specify cssFiles, no scss files.

The css files should be compiled automatically by Mendix from your scss files.

So, my settings.json looks like this:

{    "cssFiles": ["theme.compiled.css"]}

A file I don't see, but is generated in the deployment folder as soon as I deploy.

Maybe this helps!


    "pageTemplates": "WebModeler",

    "cssFiles": [





I have cssFiles include the _custom.scss, and have _custom.scss file in that location. When I check the browser, _custom.scss doesn't have any code.
