Slow import excel file in SIT as compare to local

Hi All, I am uploading an excel file (30 MB) using Export excel in Local and SIT environment In Local 2016-04-08 14:12:16.566 INFO - IvkProcessFileexcel: Recon file(excel) : Import started. 2016-04-08 14:13:17.698 INFO - ExcelXLSReader: Starting XLS import Template: 14 - Recon SIT 2016-04-08 14:12:16.727 INFO - IvkProcessFileexcel: Recon file(excel) : Import started. 2016-04-08 14:20:11.738 INFO - ExcelXLSReader: Starting XLS import Template: 14 - Recon Can anyone suggest me why its taking 1 min in local and 8 min in SIT env?? Suggestion are most welcome
1 answers

Where is the SIT environment located in relation to where you are accessing it from? This could be network related.
