I cannot see my module connected to my application after a git push. It was showing before.

What could be the problem here? I want to set security but it does not show my module in the application security. I am new to mendix. Kindly help.     
2 answers

Not sure if I understand your question.

If you are missing the security item in MyFirstModule, then your security is turned off.

Open the security settings in your app configuration, turn security to prototype/demo or Production and confirm with OK.

This will enable the security item in the modules


I advice you take the rapid learning path first: https://academy.mendix.com/link/paths/31/Become-a-Rapid-Developer

Especially the security module: https://academy.mendix.com/link/modules/96/lectures/787/9.1-Introduction


More about security in the Mendix documentation: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/security/
