how to create a shipping rate calculation?

Hello everyone, 😊 I'm currently working on creating a shipping rate calculation tool for users, and I could use some guidance. The idea is to allow users to input details like the shipping origin and destination countries, shipment type, weight, and quantity. Once they click the calculate button, a list will pop up displaying the shipping rates for a selected courier, along with relevant information. I've given it my best shot, but I've hit a roadblock, especially when it comes to figuring out the domain module structure and microflow. It seems a bit beyond my current skill level. Attached is the user interface I've managed to put together. [Include User Interface Screenshot/Details] I would truly appreciate any help or advice you can offer on how to build this successfully. Your expertise would mean a lot to me! 🚀 Thank you so much for your time and assistance. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
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