How to get an image from another website using Base64 values?

I would like to import images from another website to my Mendix App using any Base64 converters. I am a beginner to Mendix and am not aware on how to do this. Is there any widget available to acquire the Base64 value of an image from another website, and then display it on the app? I would appreciate any written info/basic app templates related to this, if available.
2 answers

Hello Raksha,


I am not sure if I understand you correclty, but maybe you can make use of the community commons module that enables you to decode and encode base64 strings.


See also the documentation:


Further it can be good to also read the documentation around filedocument and images:


The Nanoflow Commons module has a JavaScript action called Base64DecodeToImage that takes a Base64 encoded string and decodes it into a Mendix System.Image object. You can then use an Image widget to display this on a page in your application.


I hope this helps.
