Strange IE8 isssue with textarea

We're encountering a strange issue with textareas. The value in the textarea is two lines of text. When we use IE8+IE9BETA, the second line is not visible. But we see the cursors flickering on the second line. When you put your cursor in the textarea and give a enter some magic happens and the text is visible. When I open this page in IE7(compatibility mode) this strange behavior is not happening. See my screenshot: The first example shows one line in IE8 + IE9. The second example is after an enter in the textarea. You can see the second line. In the thirth example you'll see the output in IE7.
2 answers

Is this a question? If there's anything you'd like to know, please add that to your question. If it's a ticket, please file it in MXDN.


This is indeed a question. Why does this happen in IE8? I'm going to file it in mxdn. I was just curious about whether other people have the same issue.
