Quality Inspection

  USE CASE: Quality Inspection for 12 samples   I am creating No of samples in a loop when i enter No of samples then automatically data is getting created based on No of samples (eg: '5' No of samples then i will get 1,2,3,4,5). Now i am creating checklist page for created records. So here also i need to show checklist page with created No of samples. If i select 1st sample then checklist page (same for all records) comes and when i enters data and submit for 1st record then without selecting 2nd record then 2nd record should come in checklist page after 2nd then 3rd then 4th. Can anyone help me with this i am not able to create the checklist page feature of auto-get records in page.    
3 answers


Can you share your domain model 


Hi Rakshitha S,

While submitting your first sample, Do retrieve your second sample and pass the object to the page.

For example: First sample Unique ID = 1, Second sample Unique ID = 2.

While retrieving, Increment the unique ID of the current sample with 1 to get the next sample.

Also have a check before pass the next sample to the checklist page, whether retrieved sample is empty or not.



mendix 4.PNG

This is my Domain Model.

Thank You 
