How to toggle Column visibility for a data grid from Admin Settings to the end-user

I have entity named Product1 which is responsible for supplying data to a datagrid table. So Org Admin who is responsible toggle the columns he/she wants to display the columns to the user.    What I have tried: - Replicated the Product2 entity with Boolean attributes like Name(Boolean), Quantity(Boolean) etc.. - Created a datagrid with checkboxes with these boolean attributes. - When save button is clicked, it triggers a microflow which commits the existing boolean values and retrieve the list. - Datagrid table which displays the data is not reflecting the actual selected columns.   Issue: - What is the point of Boolean values if I'm not able to display the actual data form Product1 entity. - After commiting the changes in the microflow, it resets the entire form which is responsible for column visibility.   How can I implement this usecase?  FYI Product1 entity data coming from a REST API.
1 answers

Hi Naveem,


What version of Mx Studio pro are you using?

In the new 10.6 update, they added conditionally visible columns for Datagrid 2. 

Blog about 10.6:

Release notes:


If possible i'd reccomend just using the 10.6 :)


Good luck!
